Extend Filters

Filters are essentially functions that can be applied to variables. They are called with a pipe operator (|) and can take arguments.

{{ foo | title }}
{{ foo | join(",") }}
{{ foo | replace("foo", "bar") | capitalize }}

Defining a new filter

Plugins can extend filters by defining custom functions in their entry point under the filters scope.

A filter function takes as first argument the content to filter, and should return the new content. Refer to Context and APIs to learn more about this and GitBook API.

module.exports = {
    filters: {
        hello: function(name) {
            return 'Hello '+name;

The filter hello can then be used in the book:

{{ "Aaron"|hello }}, how are you?

Handling block arguments

Arguments can be passed to filters:

Hello {{ "Samy"|fullName("Pesse", man=true}} }}

Arguments are passed to the function, named-arguments are passed as a last argument (object).

module.exports = {
    filters: {
        fullName: function(firstName, lastName, kwargs) {
            var name = firstName + ' ' + lastName;

            if (kwargs.man) name = "Mr" + name;
            else name = "Mrs" + name;

            return name;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""